Our KHSHSA Committee Chairs

We are so thankful for all of our wonderful committee chairs and volunteers. Please reach out if you are interested in helping out with any of the committees listed below (kinnelonhsa@gmail.com).  We'd love to have you! 


Fall Social Decorating Chair

Maria Lazazzera 


Fall Social Tricky Tray Donations/Baskets Co-Chairs

Liz Coursen

Julie Venables


Fall Social 50/50 Raffle Chair

Lisa Whitehead 


Calendar Raffle Chair

Karen Castellano-Smith


Dinner To Go Co-Chairs

Robin DeAngelo

Kate McCormick


Holiday Cookies Co-Chairs

Maria Lazazzera

Kris Ives 


Mini Grants

Maria Lazazzera


Website Coordinator/Online Payment

Kris Ives 

JJ Schneider


Project Graduation Co-Chairs

Lisa Whitehead 

Luana Broyles


Senior Scholarship Chair

Katie Talbot


Senior Yard Signs Chair

Pam Kaplan


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon Chair

Dena Roslan 


Baccalaureate Reception Chair

Yana Diukarieva





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